Choosing the best heating options for camper vans depends on your specific needs, budget and the type of camping you plan to do. Maybe you’re planning on doing some mountain or hill hiking and so you’ll be parking up in the Scottish Highlands or the Derbyshire Dales, or maybe you’re planning on canoeing down a river or across a lake and you’ll be parking waterside. Whatever activity you’re planning, here are some popular heating options for camper vans to choose from, to make your trip as warm and cozy as possible, at least while you’re in your van:
1) Diesel or Propane Heaters:
Benefits: Efficient and provide a consistent, reliable heat source.
Considerations: Requires a fuel source (diesel or propane which will need to be stored in your camper van), professional installation and, most importantly, proper ventilation. Popular brands include Webasto and Eberspaecher Airtonic.
2) Electric Heaters:
Benefits: Very easy to use, no fuel needed (obviously you’ll need a power source, though) and relatively affordable when compared with other heating options.
Considerations: Requires a reliable power source such as a generator, shore power or a large battery bank. Not really suitable for extended off-grid use unless you have a robust electrical system which can make things expensive.

3) Wood Stoves:
Benefits: Provide a cozy ambiance and can use renewable fuel (wood or scrap wood pellets).
Considerations: Installation can be a little more complex as they will require proper ventilation and may not be suitable for all camper van setups. Popular brands include Outbacker and Vesta.
4) Catalytic Heaters:
Benefits: Use propane as a fuel source, they’re very efficient and produce radiant heat.
Considerations: Again, as with many heating options for camper vans, these require proper ventilation and may not be entirely suitable for especially cold climates. Brands like Mr. Heater Buddy are popular.

5) Electric Blankets and Heating Pads:
Benefits: Provide localized warmth and are energy-efficient.
Considerations: Should be used in conjunction with another heating source, as they may not be sufficient for overall warmth, just bed warmth.
6) Insulation and Passive Heating:
Benefits: Focus on insulating your camper van to retain all the heat generated when everyone is onboard. Passive heating methods include using sunlight by parking strategically.
Considerations: May not be sufficient in extremely cold conditions, without an additional heat source to keep the van cozy.

7) Combination Systems:
Benefits: Some systems combine multiple heating methods for versatility.
Considerations: Can be more complex and expensive than choosing just one of the above options and making sure your van is prepared appropriately.
When considering heating options for camper vans, examine factors such as the potential extremities of the climate you’ll be camping in, your power source availability and your heating system budget. It’s essential to prioritize safety and proper ventilation to prevent the risk of carbon monoxide buildup or other hazards. Additionally, ensure that your chosen heating system complies with regulations and standards. Ask an expert to install your heating system or at least to check the system over if you have installed it yourself.